Jono Bacon: Join my Reddit AMA Tomorrow
Just a short reminder that tomorrow, Tuesday 30th August 2016 at 9am Pacific (see other time zone times here ) I will be doing a Reddit AMA about community strategy/management, developer relations,...
View ArticleCanonical Design Team: Download Ubuntu Yakkety Yak 16.10 wallpaper
The Yakkety Yak 16.10 is released and now you can download the new wallpaper by clicking here. It's the latest part of the set for the Ubuntu 2016 releases following Xenial Xerus. You can read about...
View ArticleConseils pratiques : Scrum en latin et la messe en chinois
Après la démystification des points de complexité traitée dans le précédent article, observons deux exemples assez amusants du camouflage "Agile" : l'affichage mural incompréhensible et l'absence du...
View ArticleCostales: A new uWriter for Ubuntu Phone
uWriter , an offline text editor for our Ubuntu Phone/Tablet . productivity In the new release, all your new documents will be stored in: ~/.local/share/uwp.costales/*.html And it will have a full...
View ArticleDjango bugfix release issued: 1.10.4, 1.9.12, 1.8.17
Today we've issued the 1.10.4 , 1.9.12 , and 1.8.17 bugfix releases. The release package and checksums are available from our downloads page , as well as from the Python Package Index. The PGP key ID...
View ArticleAlexey Evseev: Trap in counting related objects in Django
Task: for every object count number of related objects satisfying some conditions. Example: class Category(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=50) class Article(models.Model): title =...
View ArticleVladimir Iakolev: Finding leaking tests with pytest
On one project we had a problem with leaking tests, and problem was so huge that some tests was leaking even for a few GB. We tried pytest-leaks , but it was a bit overkill and didn't worked with our...
View ArticleLa mort programmée du CV
Cet article n'est pas une attaque ad hominem contre le CV classique, simplement un constat lucide sur son obsolescence programmée. La digitalisation de notre monde ne fait qu'accélérer le changement de...
View ArticlePyBites: Don't let mutability of compound objects fool you!
In this article I explain the difference between shallow versus deep copy with a working example. It's an important concept when working with compound objects.
View The Convolution Theorem and Application Examples
The Convolution Theorem with Application Examples ¶ The convolution theorem is a fundamental property of the Fourier transform. It is often stated like "Convolution in time domain equals multiplication...
View ArticleBrian Murray: Using the Ubuntu Error Tracker for SRUs
The Ubuntu Error Tracker is really good at presenting information about the versions of packages affected by a crash. Additionally, it has current information about crashes regarding stable releases of...
View ArticleUbuntu Studio: 17.10 Beta 1 Release
Ubuntu Studio 17.10 Artful Aardvark Beta 1 is released! It's that time of the release cycle again. The first beta of the upcoming release of Ubuntu Studio 17.10 is here and ready for testing. You may...
View ArticleAdd Tweetable Links in Your Content with InlineTweet.js
You'll see this feature a lot on big sites such as TechCrunch and Mashable. You'll be reading an article and notice that an entire sentence is highlighted like a link. Yet, when you click... > Visit...
View ArticleLe fondateur de Teemo répond aux accusations d'espionnage
Benoit Grouchko revient sur l'article de Numerama qui dénonçait les pratiques de l'ex-Databerries en matière de collecte de data de géolocalisation.
View ArticleFait religieux en entreprise : osons résister
Pas une semaine sans tomber sur un article lié à la volonté de groupuscules d'introduire la religion en entreprise. Il est temps de dire stop à cette dérive inquiétante.
View ArticleLe Net Promoter Score : clé dans une stratégie SaaS
C'est en 2003 que Frederick F. Reichheld, consultant en stratégie connu pour ses recherches sur la fidélité client, publie un article : « The One Number You Need To Grow » dans la revue Harvard...
View ArticleProgramiz: Python Arrays
In this article, you'll learn about python array. Before getting started, you should be familiar with python, variables and datatypes.
View ArticleDjango bugfix releases: 2.0.1 and 1.11.9
Today we've issued the 2.0.1 and 1.11.9 bugfix releases. The release package and checksums are available from our downloads page , as well as from the Python Package Index. The PGP key ID used for this...
View ArticleMatt Keiser (Liveintent) : "Bientôt l'essentiel de notre inventaire display...
Liveintent permet d'envoyer des messages ciblés au sein des newsletters. Son fondateur explique comment ce canal peut booster la performance des actions CRM des marques.
View Articlepy.CheckIO: 5 Best Speeches of Mr. Raymond Hettinger
A great man, Mr. Raymond Hettinger, who has been working closely on Python development, with simple words and a touch of humor can make you look at this outstanding programming language the way you...
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